Monday, March 10, 2014

Avoiding my Work

Hello World,

I have been busy doing a lot of stuff. Consisting of getting a job that I started last Thursday and absolutely love so far. It is my first job ever and I am really thankful to Mrs. Sarah Whitford for hiring me. It makes you feel good to know that someone believes in you even though you don't have credentials. It's a lot of pressure as well but I maintain pretty good under pressure. I like having to rise to a challenge and prove to people how good I can be. This job has given me a lot of confidence and is showing me how to be more mature. Like being cussed out over the phone and replying with politeness instead of breaking out a few words of my own. It is a learning experience to me and I am enjoying it. The first day was nerve wracking since I kept thinking about getting fired on my first day but luckily I have made it two days and still have a job. I feel very blessed to have this job and I hope to keep it as long as I am in college. It might even become a full time career in my future.

The other things I have been doing is my short story on Twitter which I just finished an hour ago. Promised I would upload it here but can't find it so will post later. I am so amazed by all the people who have followed me on Twitter. I have 409 followers and hopefully that number continues to grow. Never thought much about Twitter since it seemed so lame but now I am a fan. I also am postponing my editing by typing this, haha. I finished chapter ten and have yet to start eleven even though I wanted to finish it tonight. Don't think that plan is going to see any progress tonight because my mind is too restless to focus on one topic.

That's what is going on in my life right now, hope everyone else is doing as good as I am. Hope to blog soon but forgive my business if I don't.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Ranting For a Minute

Dear World,

This past week has been interesting and I just wanted to share some stupidity for a minute. I have a computer class at the college where I keep getting placed beside this creep of a guy who I shall not name. On the introduction form he decides to tell about his life of smoking weed and getting laid "more than a carpet" by over 500 women in his life. He then asked me my opinion as a writer and I had to tell him the truth. The truth being that people like him make me really ashamed to be a human. It's beyond my comprehension as to why a person would want to be so stupid. Publicly announce your illegal activity AND your sex life at the same time. How much more dumb can you be? Just thought I'd share that to warn people that stupidity is a catching disease and that shit is contagious. Be careful.

I am also busy as usual; you should see my opened tabs right now because there's two lines of them and two documents open. I have finally managed to complete chapter four of Dangerous Love and have made it to chapter seven. That makes me very happy because this was moving slow at first. Hopefully my energy and fast pace keeps going so I can get more accomplished.

I also saw an old friend of mine that I don't even talk to anymore. We used to talk every day and now we might see each other once or twice a month. It makes me very sad for the way things have turned out. What makes me so upset is that this person has high potential in life but they're just not using it. I understand that it can be hard to go on sometimes and that it seems easier to give up. I've been there and thought that but I was wrong. The more I tried to stop the harder my life got because I was practicing something that my brain is not used to. Brains are created to keep moving and so are bodies. To stop is to train your body a different way. So in the long run you do more work trying not to work. But this person makes me sad because their life could be great if they would just apply the effort. It would also help to stop hanging around what I call bum ass losers. Can't stand people like that! If you know they're a loser then move on, stop wasting time for them! Now I'm mad, so this concludes my rant. I have work to do.