Friday, August 8, 2014

The Issue

Dear World,

I have issues; I think as people we all do and there's nothing we can do but try to live with them. Most of my issues stem from a long time isolated and alone or finding out I couldn't trust the people I thought I could. And I'm not going to lie; it causes a lot of problems later in life. The one thing I mostly deal with is insecurity because I've never had any. Depression also acts up til the whole world seems hopeless and I'm it's number one lost cause.

In relationships I am especially insecure because it never occurred to me that anyone would ever love me; most of the guys I've ever dated really didn't so yeah, I have issues. Lots of them; tons of them to go along with my usually broken heart. Cheating has always been an issue for me because it has happened to me before and it hurt; going into other relationships you worry and you wonder. At least I do. Maybe that's wrong of me because it's a new person but when you've heard, "You know I won't cheat on you" before it kind of means nothing since it's already been said and broken. I guess it's hard for people to understand that I need more than those words. I need a reason that you won't cheat because apparently no one before has ever found a reason not to. A little positive affirmation goes a long way with me and makes me feel loads better.

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