Thursday, June 26, 2014

Current Goal

Dear World,

Hello again, hasn't been long but in the time I've been away I have accomplished a lot. Started on my new goal, or should I say new new goal since I finished the last new goal? Hmmm, either way. Started a new one. It consists of typing up the third book in The Divine Ones series which will be titled Nature of Love. I was smart for this novel when I wrote it because I wrote both parts at once instead of waiting. Works a lot better that way cause I remember what happened and what I was talking about. Lol.

So far I have typed up the first chapter of N.O.L. and that makes me happy. I have about nine more chapters to go. My target for finishing this is going to be July 20th which is very ambitious since typing takes a long time. But I'm basically editing it at the same time so that's a plus. Words can't describe how happy it makes me to accomplish things and see my goals through. It's a great feeling that I never want to give up.

Nature of Love is going to be about a love triangle that's on epic proportions! There's the twins and then there's a big twist but I'm not going to give that away. You'll have to read the book to find that out. But in this novel the immortal race is elves and they are in search of the Divine Elf. This is one of my favorite stories that I've ever written simply because of the intense emotions and the intense drama. It's definitely high strung and not for the romance shy types. Akantha makes her way through the stages of unsure girl to brokenhearted lady and finally to confident woman. So in the process of the love triangle there is also the fruition of a woman; her journey with love and what it makes her become. It's very touching in my eyes and very dynamic in many ways. I love this story and I hope people that read it will like it as well.

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