Saturday, June 28, 2014

Mind Set

Dear World,

I have been the busiest person today ever! With grandma back safely home I am charge nurse and enjoying it. Today is also a very special day; it's my one year anniversary with my lovely CJ. That makes me excited and happy. This relationship is the longest one I've ever had and the best one as well. Sometimes there are rough patches but that's to be expected. You can't have everything good. My face has been smiling all day because my grandma is back and I'm dating the love of my life. How much better could life get?

Oh, but it does!

Because I'm getting things accomplished with my new motto: Do more now and less later! And I have stuck to my guns on this one! Got down to business with my typing and typed until Chapter 4. I have typed 18 pages and 8,607 words. I think that's pretty impressive. Have been adding more to the story to make it longer because when I rough drafted it I was lazy and didn't fully develop the characters. Now I am adding on and getting these characters to monumental heights with their emotions and personalities. There was so much that I left out! Can't believe I was so lazy but then again I was writing the rough draft when I was busy with college work. Makes quite a difference to your focus. Now I am off to see if I can type the forth chapter before twelve o' clock rolls around! Ta-ta beautiful people of the world.

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